guarantees to offer the best prices on bus transfers in Australia. We'll match any genuine quote from licensed transport operators and other registered Australian businesses and websites for point-to-point transfers within the country.
Here's how it works:
Step 1
Provide us with a written quote in PDF format on the same day it was issued, prior to booking. The quote must be for the same form of payment and meet specific criteria, including date, number of passengers, vehicle class/type, and availability for the general public.
Step 2
Our team will verify the quote's authenticity and availability. If it meets our criteria, we'll beat it by 5%.
Step 3
Once we beat the competitor's quote, you'll need to confirm your booking and pay in full on the same day using the same form of payment. Our standard change and cancellation policies will apply.
If we can't beat the competitor's quote, you'll receive a $50 voucher for your next journey.
Please note: This offer is limited to one voucher per customer and is subject to our discretion. We reserve the right to refuse vouchers to individuals or companies engaged in unethical or unlawful activities.
For more information or to submit a quote, contact our Customer Relations office at Goodbuscharter (0410 100 137) or email us at